March 10 & 11 marked the first Living Soils Summit. I have been part of the organizing team for this event over the last 4 months. I’m so grateful for the community that made this happen.

From the beginning, our organizing team was focused on providing practical techniques suitable for our climate. In the realms of agriculture and mycology, I spend a lot of time working alone. Being part of a team with a clear collective vision was an empowering experience for me.

Our keynote speakers were James and Joyce Skeet form Spirit Farm in New Mexico. They did an excellent job of setting the tone on Friday night. There’s a lot of sacrifice that goes into farming- both financially and physically. It’s nice to be re-grounded into why we do this work, and the Skeets certainly delivered on re-inspiring myself and others.

We also heard from Tony and Terron from UDAF on Friday. Their presentation included live demonstrations that really brought the message home visually. It’s nice to see folks working in truly regenerative ag with positions in government.

Saturday morning opened with a stellar presentation from James Loomis of Wasatch Community Gardens, followed by a presentation from me titled, “Soil Fungi: Who They Are, Why You Want Them, and How To Win Them Over.” This was the most pumped that I’ve ever been to deliver a presentation, and the feedback was really great. We then heard from Kristin Kropp of BUG Farms. If you don’t know Kristin, she is truly the most humble badass you will ever meet. We also heard from the Skeets again and then closed out Saturday with a panel discussion.

I am so proud of the farming community in Utah and grateful to be a part of it. The future is bright.